With an ever increasing demand for direct to line components; cleanliness and trapped swarf are generally the biggest head aches for many companies.
With a powerful ultrasonic system and a strong degreasing solvent called Perchloroethylene; this cleaning machine has helped Track Components to achieve an exemplary cleanliness standard.
After many years of successful production from our current 2 Mazak Multiplex’s it was decided that a third would be a valuable addition to our plant list.
After a full refurbishment project the machine is now operational with a brand new Hydrafeed bar feeder.
Commissioning of 3 more machines is now complete. These 3 Mazak SQT18MS machines have received
a host of major in house up grades, to reduce set up cost, improve component quality and allow minimal
operator intervention.
Maximum bar size upgraded to 68mm,
through spindle coolant,
PLC controlled swarf management,
Auto fill,
parts removal conveyor,
axis overload protection,
dead length work holding on all spindles.
Commissioning is underway of the UK’s first Mazak intergrex i200ST at Track Components. Equipped with almost every factory fit option available, as well as some bespoke features we’re very excited to see the swarf fly!